A 55-year-old woman presented with insidious onset progressive ascending four limbs numbness for 3 years followed by weakness and syncope episodes in recent 3 months (Q/A)
成大醫院 吳仁贏醫師
成大醫院 孫苑庭醫師
14:00–14:30 (14:30-14:40 QA)
A 40-year-old man presented with slowly progressive symmetrical weakness in the proximal lower extremities since the age of 33. (Q/A)
彰化秀傳 黃文謙醫師
彰基 賴建旭醫師
14:50–15:20 (15:20-15:30 QA)
A 36-year-old man presented with progressive weakness and numbness in bilateral lower limbs for 2 weeks (Q/A)
林口長庚 白雅棠醫師
林口長庚 朱俊哲醫師
15:30–16:00 (16:00-16:10 QA)
A 55-year-old woman with fluctuated four limbs weakness and numbness for 3 years. (Q/A)