台灣神經學學會 |
為促進神經科學之發展與研究,增進國內外有關神經醫學之學術團體與學人之聯繫與合作,由施純仁教授等32位國內神經醫學之泰斗發起籌備,於民國六十六年(西元1977年)三月六日創立,目前至今已邁入第44個年頭。成立之初定名為「中華民國神經學學會」,包括神經內外科、神經放射科、小兒神經科、基礎神經學、臨床神經生理學、腦中風、癲癇等範疇。 近年來因專業分工之故,陸續成立癲癇學會(79)、基礎神經學學會(81)、神經外科醫學會(82)、腦中風學會(84/3)、神經放射線醫學會(84/6)、小兒神經醫學會(85)、臨床神經生理學學會(87)、頭痛學會(94)、動作障礙學會(96)、神經免疫學會(109)。為因應現代之民主潮流,於民國八十八年四月十日之會員大會中提案由『中華民國神經學學會』更名為「台灣神經學學會」,5月7日內政部已核准通過(文號:台(88)內社字第八八一七七九九號函),六月頒發新立案證書與圖記。 因神經醫學領域逐漸受到重視,專攻神經醫學領域或對神經專科有興趣的醫師人數持續穩定成長,入會會員從一開始僅僅只有157位,累計到目前已成長至2518位,實際活動之人數約莫1601人(統計到110年7月份止)。民國72年,擁有神經專科醫師證書的醫師人數只有65人,110年已成長到1100人(統計至110年3月止)。神外與小兒之專科相關業務已交與其所屬學會辦理,學會業務亦由繁入簡。此外,台灣神經學學會目前有11個學組及6個委員會,而學會目前主要負責的業務為衛生福利部委託之神經科專科醫院評鑑與神經科醫師甄審,及與國內外各機關之來往行政庶務、舉辦相關學術研討會等。台灣神經學學會於民國67年加入世界神經學會,積極主動地參加各式各樣的國際研討會及相關領域活動;民國72年,台灣第一次舉辦第六屆亞洲大洋洲國際神經學聯合大會,睽違38年後,於110年4月再次主辦第十七屆主辦亞洲大洋洲國際神經學聯合大會,與國際接軌。而台灣神經學學會每年主辦之年會,都會邀請世界各國神經醫學領域專家來臺演講,且都會超過200篇的大會壁報投稿。 1991年洪慶章理事長任內,委任台大醫院神經科陳榮基教授籌辦屬於學會的學術雜誌,以季刊方式自1992年3月發行第一期,最初名為「Acta Neurologica Sinica」,後來由於現實情況需要,乃於1996年9月起出版的雜誌開始改名為「Acta Neurologica Taiwanica」。中文名稱原為「中華民國神經學雜誌」1999年配合學會更名為「台灣神經學雜誌」,每三個月發行一次。學會網站並於2000年建置完成,提供學會會員相關領域的資訊,為台灣本土神經醫學盡一份心力。 雖然近幾年,因為台灣正名問題影響我們參加國際學術會議,但希望未來,還是可以以台灣之名參加國際學術會議,不讓政治干擾學術,為台灣醫療的能見度盡一份心力。 Introduction of Taiwan Neurological Society (TNS) To enhance the research of neuroscience and strengthen the relationship with the academic organizations at home and abroad, Professors Chun-Jen Shih, Tsu-Pei Hung and other experts proceeded to organize a professional medical society. As a result, Taiwan Neurological Society was established on March 6, 1977, and it is still embarking in its 44th year. The society was originally named Neurological Society, the Republic of China (Taiwan), and included specialties of neurology, neurosurgery, neuroradiology, pediatric neurology, clinical neurophysiology, stroke, epilepsy and basic neurology etc. Due to the professional division, some specialty societies were subsequently established by groups of neurologists accompanied by other specialists, such as Taiwan Epilepsy Society (TES), Taiwan Neuroscience Society, Taiwan Neurosurgical Society, Taiwan Stoke Society, Neuroradiological Society of Taiwan (NRST), Taiwan Child Neurology Society, Taiwan Society of Clinical neurophysiology, Taiwan Headache Society, Taiwan Movement Disorder Society, Taiwan Dementia Society and Taiwan neuroimmunology Medical Society etc. In 1999 after the General Assembly Meeting, Neurological Society, the Republic of China (Taiwan) was renamed as Taiwan Neurological Society (TNS). The main objectives of the society focus on promoting research and development in neurology in Taiwan and also increasing connection and cooperation among the society members and other domestic and international academic associations. As the demands of neurological service grow globally, the number of doctors specialized or interested in neurology has been increasing steadily. The number of our society members has risen from 157 when it was established to 2,518 today (year 2021). In addition, the number of board-certified neurologists has grown from 65 in 1983 to 1,100 in 2021. TNS currently consists of eleven divisions and six committees. The divisions include: Neuroscience, Epilepsy, Neuromuscular Disorders, Neuropsychology & Behavior, Movement Disorders, Neurorehabilitation & Long-term Care, Headache, Sleep Medicine, Dysautonomia, Stroke, and Clinical Neurophysiology. The committees include Specialty Accreditation, Education, Practice, Ethics, Critical Care and International Council. In addition, there is an official journal Acta Neurologica Taiwanica (ANT) for academic publication and it was first released in 1992, and a TNS News Bulletin for member information and communication. TNS authorized by Taiwan government to establish the educational curriculum include a training course for residents and a training course for neuro-intensive care. In addition, TNS hosts symposiums on neuro-rehabilitation and long-term care, joint symposiums of neurology and neuroscience and unscheduled continuing medical education symposiums for the neurology specialists. In the annual meeting, more than 200 papers are presented, few of which could be published in Acta Neurologica Taiwanica. To keep the members informed, since 1984, an electronic society bulletin has been published every three months, in which members can know society updates, important official announcements, minutes of meetings, recent academic events, experts’ opinions on particular topics, and news from the training centers. In 2000, a society website was launched ( The members can understand the activities of the society immediately and it enhances interaction between the members and the society. Since 1978, TNS has been a member of the World Federation of Neurology (WFN) and has actively participated in various international conferences and activities. In 1983, TNS organized and hosted the 6th Asian and Oceanian Congress of Neurology (AOCN). In 2015, TNS hosted the 1st International Taiwanese Congress of Neurology (1st ITCN) at the Taiwan International Congress Center (TICC) in Taipei. At the same time, General Association of Neurology was established by TNS and Professor Chun-Jen Shih was nominated as the chairman of this association. Moreover, after thirty-eight years TNS first hosting the AOCN, TNS held the famous official congress again in 2021, 17th Asian and Oceanian Congress of Neurology (AOCN 2021) in Taipei. In the Society Annual Meeting, neurologists all over the world are invited to give a lecture, to promote academic research, to exchange opinions, and to broaden the society’s global visions. In recent years, owing to problems of the country origin and name or the political issues have affected our participation in many international academic activities. We hope that the academic will simply remain academic, and we hope to receive more support from friends globally in affirmation of our past efforts.
Yung-Yang Lin, MD, PhD |